Strange borders video and Scroll Original

It's FUN FRIDAY , so we're just relaxing in Las Vegas - everybody is welcome.

It's a good time to check your scrolls.  If you're traveling in a fast car, you'd have have 22 scrolls "neat and complete."  Perhaps you can do some catching up ?  If you're up to date, go back and visit the videos/links/websites for those 22 states we've visited.

I will be conferencing by ZOOM or calling by telephone to check your "wondering" question about each state - so make sure you're ready!

Someone asked me - what happens when a RIVER changes course and it is the BORDER between two states. Click on this FUN FRIDAY video.   Or click on the image.   You'll have to pause it because the creator talks so quickly...phew!

Think about what would happen if the Connecticut River carved into NH or VT and created a new island - would it be a part of VT or NH?  It's a fascinating problem that has been happening for years between states that use moving water as boundary.