Day 26 - Montana Map, video from SD

Is your South Dakota map and scroll "neat and complete?"  Congratulations!
That's your ticket to the South Dakota videos.
Video part one recapping South Dakota's early transportation and migration,
then take a stretch break 
then part two Red Cloud, steamboats and the Mount Rushmore

Now - head to Montana  - US state #  41 !
Get your map to color and scroll for learning while you complete these steps:
1   Read and underline wonder words on both sides
2   Put the map below on the biggest screen in your house, and turn on some classical music...
3   Trace the rivers in blue - is the capital on a river? What else do you notice ? 
4   Then, carefully color in 3-4 special items of interest...
5   Complete your Explorer's Scroll, avoid those "floaty and sinky" letters please...
6   Once you're finished your scroll (and get the thumbs up from a caregiver) go exploring below!
Copyright courtesy/waived thanks to Scholastic during the 2020 pandemic.

When you've colored your map...
 tour the clickable menu of Montana. Come feed your brain!
Colored letters indicate clickable links that open a video...