Day 6 - Mississippi map and travel video on IN

Is your Indiana map and scroll "neat and complete?"
Congratulations welcome to the 19th state in the USA.  

Click on the picture...
Here's your ticket for the Blue School Bus Video to Indiana!

Get ready for Mississippi - color, research and learn... 
Get your map and scroll and complete these steps:
1   Read and underline wonder words on both sides
2   Put the map below on the biggest screen in your house, and turn on some classical music...
3   Trace the rivers in blue - is the capital on a river? What else do you notice ? 
4   Then, carefully color in 3-4 special items of interest...
5   Complete your Explorer's Scroll, avoid those "floaty and sinky" letters please...
6   Once you're finished your scroll (and get the thumbs up from a caregiver) go exploring below!
Thank you to Scholastic for copyright waiver in the pandemic of 2020. 
Mississippi  Extension/Enrichment Activities (after map/scroll complete...)